
Farm management activities in Uruguay

In recent months we have been busy with lots of activities at the farms. October and November are crucial months for the harvesting of winter crops and seeding of summer crops. Fortunately, we can tell that barley and wheat have had good yields this season with record highs in most regions. Yields for barley between 5500 and 6500 kg per hectare and wheat 5000 to 6000 kg per hectare.

In the meantime, we also seeded maize and soybeans. Rainfall was good during this period. It allowed seedling and only interrupted a few times which was good for the newly planted grains as well. So far, there seems to be no need for reseeding.

Rainfall this spring also helped to fully recover the grassland for cattle. That means no big problems expected for the summer season. The only disadvantage here are the prices that are still relatively low.

The effects of El NiƱo have been very moderate if any. The forecast was higher temperatures and more rainfall than usual, but so far it has all been very common in terms of weather conditions. Only the north of Uruguay, close to the border with Brazil had more rainfall than normal.

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